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A Great Big Thank YOU!

Heres our final wrap up (for this trip at least), we have made it back to Louisiana safely and we wanted to let you guys know how extremely grateful we are for each and every one of YOU!

To everyone who allowed us to stay in their homes, wether that was Tristen's family or AirBNB, we will be forever thankful and just know that the time we spent in each of your states was magical.

Everyone who supported us from the very beginning and even those who followed along halfway through, you all helped us get to where we are now: full of travel experience and adventure.

We want to express extra special thanks to our parents for believing, supporting, and trusting us to be able to trek across the country the way we did. No words can really express how wonderful it is to have such great families and friends, we love and appreciate every one of you.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has cared long enough to read every single one of our posts?!?! There are a lot of you out there... (even if you only read one post, we appreciate that just as much)

On that note, this road trip took a lot of work, planning, writing, and saving, but just know that every single obstacle was worth it!

If anyone has any questions feel free to reach out to us personally or through the blog. That being said, if we get enough inquiries we might do a "professional" blog post answering all of you guys' questions.

This is in fact a final post wrapping up our 2017 road trip, but just know that you haven't seen the last of us...

To wrap it up, please enjoy some of our personal favorite pictures from the trip :)

San Diego



Salvation Mountain


Petrified Forest National Park

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon




San Diego




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