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Austin, Texas

Our final stop has come so quickly, we couldn't have even imagined how fast it would come to an end.

Just because it was the last stop before home doesn't mean we weren't down to have as much fun as possible...

Our one day in Austin was jam packed. If you guys haven't caught on by now, we never make it our of the house in time for breakfast. That being said, we sought after food at a vegan food truck called Unity Vegan Kitchen where we indulged in corn dogs, cookies, and lemonade.

It makes perfect sense for us to find the nearest hot spot for local artists, which happened to be a graffiti wall in Castle Hills, a small neighborhood in Austin. This wall was seemingly made up of the bones of an old building where local artists and people with spray paint come to leave their mark.

After dying of a near heat stroke, we figured it was time to cool off, so we made our way to Lake Travis. The landscape had us reminiscing Malibu with the hills and the bright blue water. We walked down to a small part of the rock beach and were splashing around in no time.

As the sun began to go down, we were two hungry girls, so we packed up and went for dinner. We stopped at a French-American place called Bonhomie which was something new and delicious!

With the sunsetting quickly, we knew we needed to get a move on it if we were going to go see the infamous "bat bridge" where bats fly out to hunt for their dinner. The animal enthusiasts within us were ecstatic to get there and see this exciting nightly ritual, but of course it didn't go as planned. We drove over the bridge just as the event ended, we didn't make it in time with some traffic to blame. As sad as we were, it just means we have to go back to Austin one day with good reason!

We headed back home to get some rest... We're going home tomorrow!!

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